Are "No Business" filings required?

Insurers are required to submit a "No business" filing via SLIP if no insurance business was written in the Mississippi during the prior year. Please refer to the Help Files within SLIP for assistance with submitting a zero business filing.

How do I notify MSLA of Name/Mailing Address Changes?

Insurer name, mailing address, contact, and domiciliary state changes are all made through the Mississippi Insurance Department. For more information, please refer to the Surplus Lines Insurance Forms section listed under the Company Filing Registration page on the MID website.

Is it possible to submit the policy data into SLIP using both manual and the XML batch submission methods?

Insurers may complete the annual MSLA SLIP filings via manual entry or XML batch upload methods, using both filing methods, or with multiple XML files.

What if the MS premium on the Schedule T does not match with the SLIP reported premium?

Mississippi is following the Home State rules and regulations of the NRRA and insurers are requested to report the MS Home State written premium. It is anticipated that that the SLIP reported premium and the Schedule T premium may not always match. MSLA will verify that the annual SLIP filing has been completed from each nonadmitted insurer.

What is the difference between an agent or an agency? And, what are the filing requirements for each entity type?

Agent or Agency

Insurers are required to provide the name of the entity that is responsible for the surplus lines tax filing. The entity can be the agent or agency. Here is a brief description and the specific filing requirements for each entity type:


The Mississippi Surplus Lines licensed agent. Requirements: the individual's name and MS surplus lines license number. A search for individual agent identification (license) numbers can be conducted from the Mississippi Insurance Department’s website under


The name of the agency that is associated with the MS surplus lines licensed agent. Requirements: the agency's name and agency identification number. The agency identification number is issued by MSLA, and can be found in the MSLA Agency List at

What is a Home State? And, how does it affect the reporting on my Schedule T?

Home State is (i) the state in which an insured maintains its principal place of business or, in the case of an individual, the individual’s principal residence; or (ii) if 100 percent of the insured risk is located out of the State referred to in clause (i), the State to which the greatest percentage of the insured’s taxable premium for that insurance contract is allocated. IF MISSISSIPPI IS NOT the Home State DO NOT report unless 100% of the premium is allocated to Mississippi.

For multi-state transactions (involving insurance that covers risks located in more than one state), it is important to understand how to determine the “home state” using the 2010 NRRA for Mississippi.

  1. “Home State’’ means the state in which an insured maintains its principal place of business or in the case of an individual, the individual’s principal residence as long as some of the insured risk is located in that state.
  2. If none of the insured risk is located in the state where the insured is located, the home state becomes the state where the greatest percent of the insured’s taxable premium is allocated for the insurance policy.
  3. If more than one insured within an affiliated group is covered under a single insurance policy, the home state is based on the member of the affiliated group with the largest percentage of premium attributed to it.
  4. If Mississippi is the home state, you MUST report the transaction with 100% of the premium allocated to Mississippi on the schedule T.
  5. If Mississippi IS NOT the home state, DO NOT report the transaction for Mississippi on your Schedule T Report.