Filing with SLIP

Do I need a SLIP account to submit policy data?

Yes, agents who have written Surplus Lines business in Mississippi and need to report their policy data must have a SLIP USER Name and Password in order to submit policy data electronically.

Will I be required to provide documentation for policies entered into SLIP?

Yes, supporting documentation in the form of a Dec Page or an Endorsement must accompany the policy data that is submitted into SLIP.

What information should be on the documentation?

The Declaration Page(s) must include the following: the name of the surplus lines insurance producer, the policy number, name of the insured, effective and expiration dates, premium, policy fees, the name of the insuring company and the Mississippi Notice Stamp. Endorsements should be inclusive of all of the above except for the surplus lines insurance producer’s name and the Mississippi Notice Stamp/Notice to Policyholder.

Who is responsible for ensuring the Mississippi Notice Stamp/Notice to Policyholder is on the Dec Page?

It is the responsibility of the licensee to obtain and stamp the Notice to Policyholder on the Dec Page. The language is as follows: “NOTE: This insurance policy is issued pursuant to Mississippi law covering surplus lines insurance. The company issuing the policy is not licensed by the State of Mississippi, but is authorized to do business in Mississippi as a nonadmitted company. The policy is not protected by the Mississippi Insurance Guaranty Association in the event of the insurer’s insolvency.”

How often should filings be submitted?

Filings should be submitted on a monthly basis.

How will we provide documents pertaining to our filings in SLIP?

All policy transactions placed with a surplus lines insurer must be electronically submitted to MSLA using SLIP. Guidance for this process will be found in the SLIP Help file located under the “More” menu item in SLIP.

I have a policy with multiple insurers listed on the Dec Page how should I report the entire premium under the first carrier?

In the event two or more insurers participated in writing a risk, the premium will need to be reported under the respective insurer and documentation such as the Declarations Page/Endorsement and/or the Schedule of Insurers will need to accompany the filing.

Is it permissible to submit a Binder as documentation for a filing?

In the event a binder is submitted to MSLA, the member shall submit copies of the Declarations Page or Cover Note to the Association promptly upon receipt.

How long after the end of a month in which I have entered policies will I have to upload documents and certify my report on line?

All policy data reported into SLIP during a given month must have the supporting documents uploaded (or mailed) within 15 day of the following month. This includes certification of your MTR.

What is the earliest I can certify my MTR?

The earliest the certification of the MTR is the 1st day of the following month in which policy data has been entered into SLIP. You cannot certify your report prior to this date.

We have recently acquired a new Insurance Agency with all their agent policies. We have an Endorsement to file; however, I am not able to locate the policy under our Reporting Agent’s name. How should we handle this filing?

MSLA requires an agency to report any acquisitions. To transfer policy data that has been reported in SLIP under one agent’s surplus lines license to another must be a written formal request. The letter should be on letterhead of the acquiring company, should include the details of the transference, such as which files to transfer, the name and surplus lines license number of the appointed agent, and the agent of record’s letter accepting your files.

Transaction in Question (TIQ)

What are TIQ’s and how do I respond to TIQ’s through SLIP?

A TIQ or Transaction in Question is a notification, either automatically generated by the system or manually generated during the desk audit advising of inaccuracies or missing information for a policy entered into SLIP. Manual TIQ’s are generated by MSLA after your policy filings have been processed through a process known as a desk audit. The system TIQ is generated when policy data fails to meet one of the system parameters for filing policy data such as entering an Endorsement prior to entering the new or renewal policy.

To respond to TIQ’s through SLIP, simply go to the Main Page and look at TIQ inform. Here you will see both System TIQ’s and Manual with a corresponding number which represents the number of TIQ under each TIQ type. Please note while you are able to view System TIQ’s you are unable to respond to these through SLIP. MSLA will attempt (where possible) to resolve these in house; however, when it is not possible MSLA will contact you via an email.

To respond to the Manual TIQ you will click on the corresponding number which will provide you with a TIQ Search Results. From here you will click on the Confirmation # which will then take you to the Transaction History Screen. Here you will see the transaction with a (?) under the status section of the transaction. Click on the (?) to display the reason for the Manual TIQ. To respond to the MSLA office with regard to the TIQ click inside comments box. Once you are finished click “Save”. MSLA will now be able to view your response. Close the window to exist.

How is a TIQ item cleared?

The TIQ may be cleared by providing any missing information and/or providing corrected documents resolving discrepancies or correcting errors.


Does Mississippi require Annual reports?

No, Mississippi does not require any annual reports. You are to file all Surplus Lines business written with the Mississippi Surplus Lines Association within 15 days following the end of the month in which a policy is procured.

How should we report that we have zero Surplus Lines business written in Mississippi?

The SLIP system will not allow zero reports. If no business was submitted during the month, no documentation is required to be turned in. Please note: It is not necessary to notify MSLA that you have zero business.